My 14 year old cat is having trouble breathing. After seeing her vet, we suspect she has …

My 14 year old cat is having trouble breathing. After seeing her vet, we suspect she has a polyp. The examination was brief and the vet suggested X-rays or better yet, an MRI ($2,000).

I am a teacher and am on a very tight budget. What I would like to know is what kind of tests/examination should be required for the vet to complete the diagnosis? It seems from your youtube video (, that the vet could have found this by examining the inside of the cat’s mouth.

I’m trying to keep my costs down. How do I approach my vet regarding this matter?


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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I start all of the exams that I do with a long discussion about the patient. History and environment as well as parent observations all help. After that discussion and the exam I give a list of possible causes. Essentially the list of what the possible diagnosis might be. From this i discuss the diagnostics needed to confirm. This includes their cost. I also discuss what the results will help us to do. How it will help your pet and how it will affect your options moving forward. For these cases I alway offer a sedated exam to look.… Read more »