My 2 yr old springer sleeps with me but some nights she is on the bed off …

My 2 yr old springer sleeps with me but some nights she is on the bed off the bed which means my sleep is interrupted. Why is she doing this as she doesn’t want out.

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2 months ago

I would imagine something keeps her up. Just like humans. Does she have a bed in your room and a reliable command to park her butt somewhere? Perhaps putting her there if she won’t settle is a way to handle it?

Krista Magnifico
2 months ago

I would guess because your dog is their own person. They have their own wants, needs, thoughts and desires. Maybe she’s too hot, or you snores, or you talk and tell in your sleep. Oh wait. That’s my husband. If he ever asks why my sleep is interrupted answer the same. You can put a camera on yourself at night and see if any of my ideas pertain.