My 3 y/o lab has chronically had bad breath since he was about 1 y/o, no …

My 3 y/o lab has chronically had bad breath since he was about 1 y/o, no matter what food he is on (currently Purino Pro Plan Lamb & Rice). When he licks you, his saliva residue smells really bad, and can actually feel stinging, leading me to worry about the possibility of acid reflux for him that we’ve missed all along. Is there anything we can try with him either OTC or natural supplements for him to address this? Or does this warrant a trip to the vet to address?

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4 years ago

If it’s gone on for 2 years and you haven’t gotten it addressed in that time, it’s most likely something that REALLY needs a vet’s involvement. Could be medical, could be dental, but you should call the vet about it.