after emergency urinary tract obstruction procedure my cat is peeing small drips all over the house, also did not poop yet

My 3 year old male cat had emergency urinary tract obstruction. Luckily we very able to get him to teh hospital on time. He stayed 2 nights in hospital (super expensive). All went well and he was back home on Friday. Eating well, purring, playing, sleeping. He also goes and pee in litter box, but also is peeing small amounts around house. Like he cannot hold it. I just hope that is because of sensitive urethra and relaxation medication that they gave him. I stopped that relaxation medication immediatelly.

Another worry is he also has not been able to poop. He ppooped in hospital last time on Friday and today is Monday morning. I am thinking because of brand new urinary food that he started eating and his stomach needs to adjust. Or maybe antibiotics.
I hope he is OK and that this is just healing process. Ut has been only 2 days since catheter was pulled out. I am worried so much here.

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

Hello, I hope that your cat is doing better. Many cats have discomfort when urinating for the first few days after the urinary catheter is removed. This is normal. Make sure he is able to urinate (pass urine) I usually recommend a prescription urinary diet and ask about any and all options to help manage inflammation (I like a few things so ask your vet which might work for you (nsaid, steroid, other anti inflammatories) pain medication (analgesics) and any way to increase fluids ( there are lots of options like sq fluids at home, adding water to food or… Read more »