My 3 yo male nuetered tuxedo cat Kenobi was diagnosed with FIC by the ER DVM yesterday …

My 3 yo male nuetered tuxedo cat Kenobi was diagnosed with FIC by the ER DVM yesterday with no blockage. He is peeing just a dime size at a time. Should I also give him Apple Cider Vinegar as his PH was 7.0 ? Other than his urinary levels, red blood cells in his urine, struvite crystals, his blood work was good with no infection. The ER DVM gave him ; Buprenorphine, Prazosin, & Gabapentin. We have changed his food to all wet Royal Canin Urinary SO from mainly kibble with some wet. We think the stressor was the absence of our 19 yo tabby Tinkerbelle we had to help cross over 2 weeks ago. Should I get Kenobi a companion kitten to replace Tinkerbell? We also are buying a water foundation as he does not drink water enough.

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

I would ask your vet about the following;
Giving sq fluids at home daily, adding a short course of a steroid and the latest opinion on prazosin’s efficacy. (I don’t use it).
Also I don’t use vinegar.

These are a matter of experience and preference. Therefore please ask your vet or find a feline only practitioner to help.