My 4 month old border collie mix was spay 9 days ago. On day 7 she had a swollen …

My 4 month old border collie mix was spay 9 days ago. On day 7 she had a swollen lump under her incision site. I took her to her vet yesterday and it was determined to be a seroma and they said to continue her on crate rest for several more days. I have read that it can take a month or more for a seroma to go down and the fluid reabsorb. She is by nature an extremely active puppy. We play outside for with her for a couple of hours most days, where she fetches balls, frisbees, etc and runs like crazy. We were hoping that after 10 days we could get back to playing. How long do you recommended we wait. The fluid filled lump is about the size of a lemon.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I think that it’s best to listen to your vet. Every dog and every case is unique. I know it’s hard with an active puppy but do the best you can call your vet and talk to them about your concerns. Ask if walking or puzzle games in the house are ok? And then try to be patient. I also think it is a great opportunity to start learning her obedience and even tricks. Like sit, stay, lay down, give paw, etc. these allow her to be with you and using her intelligence but not over active or running/fetching.… Read more »