My 4 year old cat peed out of her litter box and it was pink tinged. The …

My 4 year old cat peed out of her litter box and it was pink tinged. The vets nearby are all closed due to this COVID19 and won’t see us. Is there anything I can do to help her at home?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I would worry that the pink color indicates it is blood. The key to knowing if it is or not is by starting with an exam and a urinalysis. This can help identify the cause and direct a treatment plan. The issue I am most concerned about would be a possible urinary blockage which is an emergency. Vet offices are open for emergencies and this classifies as such. Please call your vet and go ASAP. Also if your cat is acting lethargic, making reappeared visits to the box or having trouble producing urine go immediately. A urinary blockage can… Read more »

4 years ago

This is an emergency. I would get her to the vet. It could be a UTI, blockage, kidneys…… pink tinged means blood and she needs a vet. Sooner you can get her in, the better. I hope everything is ok. Best of luck????