My 5 yr old cat has been home one day following an overnight stay at the vet …

My 5 yr old cat has been home one day following an overnight stay at the vet for blockage of urethra for crystals. He was given what seemed to be the appropriate treatment of catheter, steroids, antibiotics and a X-ray. He has come home on a five day supply of steroids and diet food. I was expecting my cat would just be “fixed” and back to normal. But he is not back to normal by any means. He is very weak and subdued. This is a normally very active , mischievous cat. My question is this normal response after having been thru this ordeal ? He is eating and drinking well. He is peeing but very little. Often but small amounts. He does not seem to be in pain like prior to treatment. He will go and just lay in the litter pan. It almost seems he is too weak to get out. But he does get out. I’m assuming he might be just like a human with a uti , in that he feels he has to go pee all the time . They did send him home having had a long acting antibiotic. I don’t know if that can make him feel bad. He does seem to be in the side of improving , but very slowly. Is this normal? It’s the weekend here so I can’t call the vet with my questions. I have a great vet group , although I have never seen the vet who took care of my cat before and am disappointed I was not given more post care instructions on what to expect.
Thank you

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Krista Magnifico
3 months ago

Hello, It’s hard for me to answer this because the answer lies in an examination. If he has a small, soft, non painful bladder and is urinating comfortably then I would say that it is ok to give him some time at home to recuperate. But. The best answer always has to be the safest answer and I always have to say that the best advice I can give is to see a vet. Can you call the er and ask to speak to someone who just took care of him? Or see your regular vet first thing Monday morning?… Read more »