My 6 month old cat came in 4 days ago with a limp. I have called around to …

My 6 month old cat came in 4 days ago with a limp. I have called around to so many different vets and shelters but it looks like it will cost too much for me to be able to help her. Her back left paw has swollen up to twice it’s normal size should I just give her to a shelter or is there a chance she will heal on her own. I can get her some medication. Should I give her antibiotics or something for the swelling?

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Krista Magnifico
4 months ago

Please call your vet and ask to be seen asap. Your cat most likely needs antibiotics RIGHT NOW. you can decline all of the diagnostics they want to run and just insist on an antibiotic. Also you need to talk about whether this is a wound and whether your pet has a possible rabies exposure.