My 8 year old Belgian Malinois had surgery to remove her salivary gland on June 11, 2019. It was …

My 8 year old Belgian Malinois had surgery to remove her salivary gland on June 11, 2019. It was quite an extensive surgery because her salivary gland had ruptured and there were a lot of stones present. I was giving her a bath yesterday feeling in the area where the surgery was and I can feel what I believe is her lymph node or something firm on the side of where the surgery was. Below are pictures of what I am seeing. Could this be lymphoma starting (I lost a dog to that in December) or is it from the surgery. I am so worried! No ER’s where I am at so waiting till tomorrow to take her back in but for now I would like to know ideas on this.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

We can’t diagnose anything via a photo. If your dog is acting normally I think it is safe to wait until you can see your vet tomorrow. And I should add that cancer usually causes bilateral enlargement of the lymph nodes so it this is on one side only and if it’s the same side as the surgery it’s more likely related to that. Let us know what happens. Good luck! Would love to hear more about the salivary gland surgery. Especially for our storylines section would you please add it to that page.

5 years ago

Good morning. I’m hoping you get into the vet today to hopefully help ease your mind a bit. It is possible it is fluid or a seroma, related to the surgery.