My 8 year old cat has had a snorting nose for over half his life. Vets constantly …

My 8 year old cat has had a snorting nose for over half his life. Vets constantly prescribing him antibiotics. They want to check for polyp and every one in my area quotes me at 3-4 k just for the rhinoscopy. I’d hate to have to put him out twice when they do find a polyp. I have been suspecting it for years but nobody wanted to take me seriously. Instead they keep giving him antibiotics and the antibiotics do not help. I have videos of the noises he makes and I have found Dr Magnificos you tube videos a few years back. I am willing to travel for what you do for nasal polyps! I can’t afford 3-4K just for diagnostic and then another few thousand for removal. If you have a recommendation for me, or if you can see my cat I would be so incredibly grateful!! I just want him to be able to breathe better.

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

Based in experience alone I would find it very unlikely a polyp is to blame. They grow over time and worsen clinical signs as they do. It seems like it is more likely to be chronic rhinitis or asthma.