My 8 year old cat (male, neutered, American short hair) was diagnosed with bladder stones and underwent …

[Very Urgent] Advise on Cystotomy vs PU

My 8 year old cat (male, neutered, American short hair) was diagnosed with bladder stones and underwent a cystotomy in February 2024 to surgically remove the stones from the bladder. Unfortunately, the surgeon left behind 3-4 stones in the urethra during the surgery, which were later pushed back in the bladder. These stones blocked him again in May 2024 – he was unblocked via a catheter and the stones were pushed back into the bladder during catherization. He again got blocked a couple days ago and has been unblocked again via catherization with the stones pushed back in the bladder. The X-rays do not show formation of new stones in the last few months and the urinary analysis do not show any crystals.

We are considering three surgical options to remove the sones now: 1) cystotomy 2) PU 3) Cystotomy + PU. Please see X-rays after the cystotomy in February, the one from May and the one from last night and advise on the best course of treatment

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Krista Magnifico
5 months ago

Hello I’m sorry to hear about your cat. The problem is that we don’t know what kind of stones these are and therefore the concern is that more will form and more will obstruct, or , that these are the kind that do not resolve and therefore you will be back here again If you can afford it I would do a pu and cystotomy to hopefully be done with this forever. If you are struggling financially ask the vet if they took a post op Xray after the last surgery. If some were left behind (which happens to all… Read more »