My 8 year old pitbull is in immense pain due to a slipped disc in his neck …

My 8 year old pitbull is in immense pain due to a slipped disc in his neck between c1 and c2, according to the x-rays, it has calcified. It has been 6 weeks and a day since his diagnosis, 6 weeks exactly since he was discharged after an overnight stay where he was given lots of pain meds through an iv. He did really well for the first few days after that. Then he got bad, and it’s been a roller coaster of good and bad days since, but mostly bad. He’s on a muscle relaxer and 2 different pain meds 3 times a day, and prednisone twice a day. I’ve been trying so hard to stay positive, but it’s getting discouraging. I’ve watched lots of videos and read about dogs that have had paralysis walk again sooner than he has shown any progress. I can’t really afford surgery, I guess my question is, at this point, should I still stay hopeful?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

You say he is in pain but you don’t say how he is doing. Can he walk? Go to the bathroom? Urinate? Defecate? What does your vet say? I also worry that there might be a different underlying issue. Like cancer. I think it’s time to talk to your vet again.