My 9 yr old lab has torn his ACL. I need a recommendation for a surgeon in …

My 9 yr old lab has torn his ACL. I need a recommendation for a surgeon in my area. I am in Northern Harford Co. Md.

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4 years ago

In case Dr. Magnifico doesn’t see this: give Jarrettsville Vet a call. Either they can do it or they can refer you to someone nearby(ish).

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

We have a boarded veterinary surgeon who does TPLOs at our practice. Your dog would have to be seen prior to by dr Magnifico for a consult. Other than a traveling surgeon there are no other boarded surgeons in our area. De whalesby and de runnels are the other vets we refer to. Cost of a TPLO surgery at jarrettsville vets is $3,000