My Brother-in-Law’s cat, Bandit, was missing for 8 weeks. When he was returned, he was walking …

My Brother-in-Law’s cat, Bandit, was missing for 8 weeks. When he was returned, he was walking with a periodic stumble. Our Vet took X-rays and determined he had a broken hip, which would cost $3k to $7k to have a surgeon evaluate and repair. Bandit does not seem to be in pain, and is able to walk, run, and jump without much difficulty. Once in awhile he stumbles. Would cage rest be enough for it to heal. We do not want to put him through the pain and risks of an operation if he doesn’t need it. Cost is also a factor, but we want to do what’s best for Bandit. X-rays are attached.

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1 year ago

Badly healed breaks can cause lifelong mobility issues. He might be fine now, but what about in a year? 5 years?

Cats are pretty stoic. I’ll bet he’s in pain and just not showing you.