My cat bandit has trouble breathing and is wheezing and making snoring sounds when he is …

My cat bandit has trouble breathing and is wheezing and making snoring sounds when he is awake. He wont groom himself and sheds terribly. When we took him to the vet after their tests they concluded its probably polyps in his nose or throat and suggested a specialist who wants over a thousand dollars for a ”special” surgery but when i did some research online i watched a video of Dr. Krista Magnifico removing a polyp from a cat which took 3 mins and was 130$ total cost. I live in the Atlanta Ga, area and was hoping y’all had suggestions of somewhere close to me that can do the same wonderful, skillful job Dr. Magnifico performed for around the same price range. I know this problem is bothering my poor bandit and i just want him to be healthy and happy and i know getting this removed is the key.

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3 years ago

Good morning- I would start at your vet. I would explain your thoughts and ask for help in finding someone who is willing to perform the surgery at a more affordable price, if they cannot. If that doesn’t pan out, I would start calling around and asking. Maybe try your local humane society or animal rescue? They may know of someone close to your area that is willing to perform the polyp surgery. Perhaps even posting to social media may prove helpful- someone who has been through this situation may see it and point you in the right direction. I… Read more »