my cat coughs, gags, and has to walk away and take a second to relax and …

my cat coughs, gags, and has to walk away and take a second to relax and breathe after petting him and he starts purring. His meows are also weird and don’t sound normal and it’s more of just a quiet raspy “ah” sound. He coughs and gags after purring so i try not to pet him for too long but he loves attention and starts purring just by looking at you. He also starts breathing heavy and fast. He constantly has raspy breathing and snores when he sleeps. His vet thinks he may have a polyp does his symptoms sound like a polyp?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

It doesn’t sound like a typical polyp to me. These pets tend to sound like they are snoring all the time. Try to find someone who will do a sedated oral cavity exam for you. That will help.