My cat has an aural haematoma cause by head shaking (no earmites and no infection) but …

My cat has an aural haematoma caused by head shaking (no earmites and no infection) but i am really worried about both options of either leaving it alone or having it surgically removed as both have risks of disfiguring his ear.
Which option will be better cosmetically for him?
Thank you

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4 years ago

In my experience (with one of our dogs) it went away after the body had time to reabsorb it. Took some time, but we decided on a “wait and see”. I recall during that discussion with the vet that many times after draining with surgery, they do return. After it was reabsorbed, the ear was back to normal. Hope this was helpful.????????

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, Cats are much harder than dogs. In my opinion. The pinna tissue is much more fragile and they almost always wrinkle and deform. I have found the after appearance to be much worse if you don’t surgically remove the fluid. I usually do a large S shaped incision on the inside flap and sew it to the outside flap. It takes times and you have to be precise of the war will be to heavy and it will shrink, wrinkle and collapse leaving a cosmetically unpleasing ear. The other important point to discuss is that if you don’t treat… Read more »