My cat has been diagnosed with an ear polyp. We were referred to a specialist with …

My cat has been diagnosed with an ear polyp. We were referred to a specialist with an estimated cost for removal at $1500-$2500. I saw a video with Dr. Magnifico about removal of certain ear polyps, and how the procedure can be done much less expensively than what we were quoted. How might we go about scheduling a consult for removal (and/or removal)?

Thanks, Eddie

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, If your vet isn’t willing to look in the mouth for this then I would call everyone around you and ask for a referral to someone who will. I usually say to call the rescues and shelters as they know the affordable and capable people. If you tell me where you are I might also be able to help. If you want to come to the clinic we have to arrange this. You would need to call the clinic and ask for the hospital manager to arrange this. Her name is Jenn. Please tell her who you are where… Read more »