My cat has been excessively licking herself on her back side, around the tail area and …

My cat has been excessively licking herself on her back side, around the tail area and on her paws. So much so that now she has a bald spot on her rear end. This has been going on for a week now, from what I have noticed. I have tried brushing her to look for flea evidence but I have had no luck. She also doesn’t let me see her paws. She has been eating fine and nothing has been different in the home like food wise or litter wise. She occasionally goes out side just onto the deck but not lately due to the heat. What could this be? None of my other cats are showing the same behavior. Do I need to get her seen?

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Krista Magnifico
7 months ago


anytime I see a cat with itching at the base of the tail I do two things;
1. put a good, safe flea and tick medication on, I like Revolutions, but Frontline is also good.
2. I check the anal glands

the other thing I do is look for any signs of trauma around the area.

In some cases cats have a hyperesthesia complex. This is something to talk to your vet about
see more about this here;

I hope this helps