My cat has been scratching her neck and behind her ears lately (which is normal), but …

My cat has been scratching her neck and behind her ears lately (which is normal), but when i watched her do it, today, clumps of her hair came out. I looked at her fur and noticed a couple kinda bold spots. Her skin isn’t red or anything, you can just see her skin more. I am wondering if this is just a shedding thing or if something else is wrong. I live in Illinois so weather is pretty average, and my cat is an indoor cat. She has been throwing up a lot lately, but i think thats just because she eats so fast. She also is allergic to some food. The vet said she is allergic to the protein in some types of meat, she will get red spots on her face and ears but after trying a couple types of food i think the rash is mostly gone. I really hope this is a normal thing but i am not sure. The bold spots keep getting worse with every scratch. What should i do?

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5 years ago

Good morning???? I’m sorry about your cat. My first guess is that there is some sort of skin irritation or allergy. Although it does not look red in the photos, the fact that she is so itchy/uncomfortable is what makes me think along those lines. I know you said the weather is average…but sometimes if it goes from humid to dry or vice verse, it might lead to a skin reaction.