My cat has broken her toenail on her back paw it doesn’t seem to be …

My cat has broken her toenail on her back paw it doesn’t seem to be bleeding too much but it definitely needs attention I can’t really afford a vet at all so please somebody help me with what I should do for her.

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

Hello, I usually don’t worry too much about a broken toenail. I can rot clearly see the photo either. My best advice is to make sure she isn’t licking the area and make sure it stays clean, especially because litter boxes. If it looks like it is infected you will need a vet. I strongly discourage wrapping feet on cats. They will make the area worse by chewing at rhe bandage or it will cause swelling as they never stay on unless they are too tight. So never place a bandage on a cat. Please see a vet if you… Read more »