My cat has gone missing for the past 4 days.. We checked everywhere.. We asked the neighbours …

My cat has gone missing for the past 4 days.. We checked everywhere.. We asked the neighbours about her but only some saw her which was 4 days ago.. She is 1 year old. She also has 3 kittens each 1 month old.. It is normal for cats to run away like this? Are there any chances of her coming back? Could you help me? What are the possibilities of this?

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4 years ago

Good morning. I’m sorry about your cat. There could be many reasons for her to be missing…. unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure. Hopefully she shows up????

4 years ago

She could have run off. She could have gotten injured and can’t return. Please, keep her kittens indoors at all times and spay/neuter them when they’re old enough. IF she returns, please spay her and keep her inside.

Last edited 4 years ago by Laura