My cat has laryngeal paralysis. The surgery is far too expensive, therefore i’m looking into …

My cat has laryngeal paralysis. The surgery is far too expensive, therefore i’m looking into alternatives to treating the laryngeal paralysis. I saw that some vets offer acupuncture and electro acupuncture, which is supposed to stimulate nerve movement and could cure paralysis. Is thing something that would really work? I don’t know much about it but it seems like possibly it could get the nerves around his larynx to work again, then it could move properly? If you could provide me with any information asap I’d appreciate it! 🙂

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Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

There may be anecdotal reports of this working but I have no experience. The only cat I ever had with this was given a tracheostomy tube placement for a few weeks while the nerves that were damaged and causing the paralysis recovered.