My cat has one side of her face swollen and her eye has become small, with …

My cat has one side of her face swollen and her eye has become small, with clear discharge, like a runny eye. She is an indoor cat, so no possible fights. She is eating and drinking normally, using litterbox regularly as well. I plan to take her to the vet if it doesn’t get better in two days, does anyone have an idea what it could be that’s causing this? How much the vet would charge as well?

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Krista Magnifico
2 years ago

Head to the vet asap. I say this because anything potentially involving the eye whiten be seen asap. Otherwise I would worry about URI regardless of whether indoor or out. At my clinic the exam is bn $45-85 depending on if you are an established client. Eye meds are about $30 and the same day other oral antibiotics.