My cat has reoccurring bladder stones. He is clogged up pretty bad. What can I do …

My cat has reoccurring bladder stones. He is clogged up pretty bad. What can I do so he can pass the stones and make it thru the night?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry but I don’t have any advice for this as it is usually considered an emergency. If your cat isn’t passing urine it can cause the bladder to rupture which can be fatal and requires surgery to correct or the urethra needs to be unclogged (unblocked). In a veterinary hospital I would either remove the urine from the bladder via a needle or cathterize. The. Ideal plan is an intravenous and UTI Art catheter and hospital care until the urine runs clear (usually a few days) and then medications to… Read more »

5 years ago

I would get to the vet ASAP and I would ask about Rx food and diet change for starters.