My cat is an American short hair and is two years old,suddenly he stopped eating …

My cat is an American short hair and is two years old,suddenly he stopped eating his food (he eats Smalls, ground chicken and turkey)and started vomiting yellow but when he is throwing out it sounds like he is chocking, he is being acting very different no eating ,no playing and I try to feed him and hydrate him with a syringe but he vomits every time. This happened like 4 months ago too and I took him to the vet and it was so expensive and did not help me at all,they made an x ray and didn’t find anything and I change his food because in that time he only ate dry food. I thought everything was find now with wet and quality food but is happening again. Please help me if you have any idea what can I do?. I have no pet insurance and no budget to spend on vets.

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Krista Magnifico
2 months ago

Hello, I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry but there is not enough information here to allow for an accurate diagnosis and therefore an appropriate treatment plan. I recommend that you call the vet back and ask for help on a budget. See if you can drop off a fecal sample without the exam. See if they will allow you to do some diagnostics with a minimum database so that you can get help for your cat. There is a big push in vetmed right now to allow affordable care. Remind them of this. Put us… Read more »