My cat was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The research I’ve done so far suggests that …

My cat was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The research I’ve done so far suggests that radio iodine therapy is the best course of action. There are 2 practices that provide this treatment; Radiocat in Catonsville, MD & Mid Atlantic Feline Thyroid Center in Queenstown, MD. I’m trying to determine which practice would be best for our cat. I already know one of them does not have availability until early June, but I don’t want that to be the deciding factor.

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Krista Magnifico
11 months ago


I do agree that this is the best treatment method available. I have had clients use both. They were all happy with their experience and outcome. So I would chose based on schedule availability and location.

Please let me know how about your experience and feedback is always helpful to provide guidance for others.

Dr Magnifico