My cocker spaniel is 18 months old. Only one of his testicles dropped and he had what …

My cocker spaniel is 18 months old. Only one of his testicles dropped and he had what we thought was a retained one. He went in to be neutered today and after two hours under the vet couldn’t find the other ball!

He will do a blood test in a few months to check for testosterone. If there’s none then it looks like he only ever had one but if there is hormone then it’s in there somewhere.

I’m worried sick as the reason we got this done was retained testicles are at a higher risk for cancer. Has anyone experienced this with their dog? Did the dog go on to be okay?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

I have had a few cases like this. It sounds like your vet is doing everything I would. If you are really having a tough time waiting and worrying ask for a referral to an internal medicine specialist or ask a boarded surgeon to go in and take a look for it. In my opinion these are your next best options.
Let me know what happens. Please!
Good luck