My dachshund Lucy is now starting her 3rd week of conservative home care for IVDD from …

My dachshund Lucy is now starting her 3rd week of conservative home care for IVDD from C1-2 with paralysis of front and rear legs with deep pain present in all extremities. She is currently on gabapentin, prednisone, pepcid, and methocarbamol. I’m trying my best to stay hopeful however she still has pain with any movement. The only time I move her is for repositioning, cleaning, and feeding. I can’t afford surgery due to spending several thousand at the ER vets where she was misdiagnosed numerous times. I will however do anything in my power to keep her happy, functional, and pain free. I’m fine with her ending up in a quad chair if that’s the best we can do. Am I doing my best?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Without knowing the doses that you are using I would say it might be helpful to see if you can get into a neurologist ASAP. I would also ask about increasing the doses of the meds with your current vet. Also acupuncture might help. Lastly I think that at this point you may have to consider rechecking xrays to make sure this isn’t a fracture or neoplasia. I guess I would suggest to regroup and reassess. I hope this helps. Good luck