My daughter’s beautiful 5 year old pitbull died suddenly last night. He was current with shots …

My daughter’s beautiful 5 year old pitbull died suddenly last night. He was current with shots and vet visits, bloodwork, etc. and had no known health issues. My son in law had played frisbee with him. He did not exhibit any signs of heat exhaustion. Drank a lot of water when he came inside and was fine while my son in law took a shower. He fed him after his shower and he cried out while eating, seized a bit, collapsed and died. Son in law checked for airway obstruction and did several compressions on his chest, but he did not recover. They are heartbroken. How does this happen?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I’m so sorry about your dog. All of the same issues that can happen with people can happen with dogs. Heart attack, aneurysm, blood clot, hypoglycemia, heat stroke or hyperthermia, etc etc. It is possibly o do a necropsy (animal version of autopsy to try to ie the cause of death). Please call your local ER or vet for more information on where this might be available. I’m sorry for your loss.

4 years ago

I am so sorry for you all. Heartbreaking. I would see about a necropsy to possibly find out what happens. I truly am so sorry.