my dog had had red skin and was constantly biting and scratching himself and he would …

my dog had had red skin and was constantly biting and scratching himself and he would get sores where he would scratch so much. He also had some dandruff. I read about it on google and thought it could be a food allergy so i changed his food a while ago and it got better super fast, but he’s still constantly scratching and rolling around and i’m not sure why. His fur is a bit dry and rough so i’m thinking it could be his fur scratching him, i’m not sure. Is there any products or anything at all you would recommend?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

These clinical signs are too broad and vague to offer much help here. Please see a vet for help. This can be something simple like fleas or something difficult like an immune system disorder or organ issue. Please start with an examination at the vets office. And stop wasting time on the Internet. There aren’t answers here that are reliable without your vets help in pointing you in a credible direction. Ask friends and family for a vet they trust. Then start the Internet detective work.