My dog has a patch on the tip of her ear that looks like a build …

My dog has a patch on the tip of her ear that looks like a build up of something. It is dry and hard. I started picking at it and the hair started coming part. What is this and how do I help?
She also has other spots on her body that are just dry and thinning hair. Is there anything I can do to help with hair loss/thinning? Anything topical? We were told she may have an allergy to chicken so she is on a sensitive diet.

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Krista Magnifico
4 days ago

I suspect that this is related to allergies and therefore the answer lies in helping the body from the inside out versus trying to get topical products work for the outside in.

Please talk to your vet about the many options we have for treating atopy in dogs.

You may also need an oral antibiotic or medication for over abundant yeast.