My dog has episodes of severe gas pain every 1 – 3 months. I have taken him to …

My dog has episodes of severe gas pain every 1 – 3 months. I have taken him to the ER Vet and her regular vet on several occasions and they do x-rays but can never find anything wrong. They prescribe meds for the pain, but I would like to know how to avoid this happening in the first place. Any advice?

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4 years ago

Honestly, I would talk to your regular vet about it. Discuss what you’re feeding, how you’re feeding (type of bowl, frequency of meals), and ask their advice. They know your dog best and may have suggestions. That said. I would worry very much about possible bloat in his future. I would invest in a slow feeding bowl and feed scheduled meals. If you don’t want to get a slow feeder, using an old muffin pan is an option worth considering. If you feed dry food, a food dispensing toy is a good option. I have a breed with a higher… Read more »