My dog is a shitzu and has a cough. I bought him meds for kennel cough …

My dog is a shitzu and has a cough. I bought him meds for kennel cough but it goes away and it goes back a day or two. what can I get him?

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4 years ago

You can get him a vet visit. Possibly one with a cardiologist in addition to one with your regular vet. This breed is very prone to heart failure, and coughing is often the first outward symptom.

Last edited 4 years ago by Laura
4 years ago
Reply to  Laura

And to further impress the need for speed on this one – many dogs who start coughing as the first outward sign of DCM are already in congestive heart failure. You NEED to get this dog to the cardiologist TODAY.

This might mean an ER visit.

I am speaking from experience, here.