My dog is on day 9 after being diagnosed with ivdd . He was walking a lot better …

My dog is on day 9 after being diagnosed with ivdd . He was walking a lot better after losing mobility in his right front and back leg but today it looks like he’s losing the mobility in his 2 front legs all over again. What happened?? He was doing so well. His pain looked like it had gone away and he was sleeping through the night without the pain killer.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, This is a hard question to answer for a few reasons. One we hardly ever get a confirmatory diagnosis on this disease. To do that you would need an mri or ct and an csf tap. Without them we guess that it is IVDD which is the most common cause of acute paralysis or weakness. So trying to understand what is or isn’t normal when we aren’t sure of the diagnosis is difficult. If it is IVDD then yes it is not uncommon for them to get worse as we try to get them better. The worsening can occur… Read more »