My dog is panting walking in circles and acting restless and confused and has very bad …

My dog is panting walking in circles and acting restless and confused and has very bad smell to him

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5 years ago

Are there other symptoms that you are aware of? Has your dog been outside too long in the heat? Was your dog running hard for too long? Is your dog eating and drinking? Are they drinking excessively? Is your dog showing signs of pain? If you’re dog was outside today, he may be showing signs of heat exhaustion. If that is the case, keep him calm and inside in air conditioning. Do not let him stress or exert himself for some time- make sure he drinks water. If there is no improvement, a call to the vet is warranted. If… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

I’m sorry but there isn’t enough information here for me to direct you confidently. I am worried about a few things like; seizures, pain, disease, and even benign stuff like anal sacs and ear infection. I think it would be best to call your vet to see if they can take a look at your pup.