My dog needs an echocardiogram. I was quoted $915. I was hoping to find a more affordable …

My dog needs an echocardiogram. I was quoted $915. I was hoping to find a more affordable option. Is there one?

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7 months ago

Hi Cathy – you can look for a clinic if this isn’t emergent. Usually they’re lower cost…BUT they’re only for dogs without a diagnosis of cardiac issues. If your dog has a suspected problem like dilated cardiomyopathy, you should go directly to a veterinary cardiologist…and yes, they’re expensive outside of cardiac clinic events. I would recommend reaching out to the nearest Doberman club or rescue to see if they know the next clinic event – that’s how I got my Dobe tested before she developed DCM.

I’m so sorry you have a need. I hope your dog isn’t symptomatic.

7 months ago

Here’s one way to find clinics:

If you’re in the Maryland area, there’s a Newark, DE clinic with Echos on the 24th but they may be full already. Reach out TODAY.