My dog was recently attacked by a small offleash dog. We were able to keep anyone …

My dog was recently attacked by a small offleash dog. We were able to keep anyone from getting hurt and it was mostly just noisy barking. Since the attack my usually friendly dog has been extremely leash aggressive to any dog passing on the street. Barking and growling, extremely over reacting. I have also avoided the dog park she usually enjoys bc I am afraid of how she will react. How can I help her get back to her confident friendly, less traumatized self?

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4 years ago

It sounds like you might need to hire a behaviorist to help you out….I do know that positive reinforcement is your best friend- so if you pass another dog and she reacts, then no reward, but if she is calm, then reward. I am sure that it will take time and patience. Maybe your vet can put you in contact with a trainer or behaviorist that will be able to offer some help or even come work with you. Good luck!!!