My dog’s stomach got hard 4 days ago. That night, she vomited what she ate. Since …

My dog’s stomach got hard 4 days ago. That night, she vomited what she ate. Since then she rarely ate. Sometimes we can coax her with a piece of chicken but only rarely. She drinks a lot of water. On the 3rd day, she barely ate. Now she has some discharge on her private parts. It is a cloudy white. She keeps licking it and could not sleep. She keeps pacing too. She would walk in circles.

She always looks tired but likes going for a walk. But when at home, she doesn’t even stand up.

We are not able to go to a vet’s office right now because of financial issues and the lockdown. What can I do?

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4 years ago

I’m sorry, but this really sounds very serious- potential blockage which can be life threatening. I do not know what vet you use, but they may work with you payment -wise and should have some sort of protocol in place regarding corona virus. Please get to a vet asap

Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, this sounds like a pyometra. Is she spayed? Please see a vet immediately! Im sorry but this should be considered an emergency. Please reach out to family, friends and rescues for help..