My English bulldog puppy was spayed the 10th of December. Can Benadryl be used instead of …

My English bulldog puppy was spayed the 10th of December. Can Benadryl be used instead of trazodone? The trazodone doesn’t have that much of an effect on my English bulldog puppy. She is currently taking 150 mg a day. But is still very anxious by not being able to play. She is a jumper and had tons of energy.. We have had a seroma diagnosed just the other day and were told to keep her confined for at least seven more days. It is next to impossible unless we sedate her. These pills are not doing that for her. Please help before my puppy loses her mind. I know Benadryl does help calm her. Could I use that instead of the trazadone?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

This is a question for your vet. I will add that I do r sedate puppies nor post op. I ask my clients to do low impact games and walks to keep them occupied and content. Or buy a few training books to spend time with them and keep them busy in a productive manner.