My Frenchie has an open PYO. The ER said they can do the emergency surgery for 3,000…

My Frenchie has an open PYO. The ER said they can do the emergency surgery for 3,000-5,000 or they can give antibiotics and for me to call my vet tomorrow to see if they can do a spay. I really do not know what to do.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, Your dog should be spayed as soon as possible. Whether you do it there or wait to be seen at your vets is a matter of financial ability and the vets availability. The jarrettsville vet clinic staff is split into teams to try to remain socially distanced during covid. I am not working tomorrow and I am not sure we have enough staff or time available to do the surgery. If it is not possible to have it done at the ER call jvc in the morning and ask them to call me and we will figure out something.… Read more »