My friend has a 1 yr old female German Shepherd, baby sister of my male GSD. She …

My friend has a 1 yr old female German Shepherd, baby sister of my male GSD. She was diagnosed with EPI and has been getting PancreVed in her food, every meal.
She is not seeming to be getting better or gaining weight. She’s lost about 12 lbs. although she doesn’t act as if she’s sick at all!!
Do you have any recommendations for this or advice? And is it hereditary?

My boy in the left and his sister on the right.

Thank you,

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Cab you tell me how this was diagnosed and how it is being treated? And even if the standards of care were met if they aren’t getting better you need to go back to vet for another discussion on what’s next with the plan. I have been treating a 1.5 yo GS for months and although I also suspect EPI if he isn’t gwtting better we keep looking for the cause and the answers. We have tried multiple medications. Bloodwork and treatment plans. It is often not a simple quick easy answer. It is a long discussion and discovery process.… Read more »

5 years ago

I agree with Krista. There is no sign of improvement. Talk to the vet about changing treatment or adjusting it. Ask about testing for other possible illness and more bloodwork. Ask about initial diagnosis. Also ask about timing for feeding and how many times per day should she be eating. I hope she starts to improve.????????