My Gemma Kitty has three little, what I thought was, scabs on her forehead. One by …

My Gemma Kitty has three little, what I thought was, scabs on her forehead. One by each “eyebrow” and one in the center of her brows. Over the last few days, this spot has been getting worse. I called my local vet and they said they can’t get her in until 2/3! I just got home from work and this spot is bleeding, maybe a little Puss too! I’m so worried. Any ideas? Should I go to emergency vet?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

It is not possible to diagnose via a photo. I’m sorry. But that does look very fresh and I would say concerning. For cases like these I do a thorough exam and ask about possibility of allergies or ectoparasites. I also look at the ears and try to identify the source of the itching or irritation. If your vet can’t see you soon you might have to go to an er. Or even find a different vet. I’m sorry I can’t offer more advice. It’s imperative to figure out why she is scratching this area to stop it.