My name is Gail soth i am requesting help for my 1 year old puppy she hasn…

My name is Gail soth i am requesting help for my 1 year old puppy she hasn’t been eating nor drinking throwing up. We had her to churchville vet thursday and Friday og this past week and the emergency hospital in belair Saturday she has had 2 x-rays with suspicion of a object lodged in her intestines. We are trying every way to keep her. We’ve put a lot og money up for her but we don’t have the financials to do the surgery. We love are dog and my youngest 2 grandchildren love her to pieces. We had been trying to feed her through a syringe with her medication the doctors have given us. We want to keep our pup and she means the world to us and shes family. Im pleading for help. This is critical and would appreciate it you could help us save our pup.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear about your puppy. Please call all family and friends asking for help. I would also call all of the local
Shelters and rescues. Even some of the pet centered foundations. You can go to the jarrettsville vet website and look under resources for a list of places who might be able to help. If you cannot fins anyone to help I can seek help through a local rescue but she would have to be surrendered to them for further care. I wish you all the best.