My neighbor’s outdoor cat that she claims as hers because it hangs out at her …

My neighbor’s outdoor cat that she claims as hers because it hangs out at her home and she feeds is wildly neglected. the poor cats left side canine teeth have fused together with plaque and she can’t open her mouth to eat properly or drink water as her tongue sticks out on the right side of her mouth. She seems dehydrated and flea infested-I gave her half dose of Bravecto since she feels like she’s 4-5 pounds and is about 6-8 years old. The neighbor doesn’t seem to see this and believes that cat is fine since she’s trying to eat…… She has an indoor cat that she takes care of really well. Any recommendations? if I take the cat to the vet for dental treatment, what would the cost be for something like this and would a cat in this condition even make it through anesthesia?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

If you are able to talk to your neighbor see if they are willing to let you help care for him. If you feel they are not willing to let you help call your local animal welfare officers, local rescues and shelters and ask for assistance for this cat. Cruelty and neglect of domestic animals is something that might motivate them to let you help for the best interest of this cat. Thank you for caring and reaching our.