My pug was throwing up today in the morning he has thrown up last week which …

My pug was throwing up today in the morning he has thrown up last week which was when I took him to the vet they told me to change his food because that will help. I changed his food to royal canin for pugs and he seemed to be doing much better but he would only eat at night so I went out and bought him pedigree canned food he does perfectly fine with the beef but his breeder told us to buy him the pedigree puppy food so we started giving him the puppy food yesterday then he woke up today and threw up twice it’s like some sort of white foam with mucus we also just noticed that his private part is really stiff he is peeing okay and he’s not neutered he’s two years old should I start to worry

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I’m sorry but I don’t quite understand your question. It sounds like you should call your vet and ask for help with the concerns you have. I’m not sure if any of the information you list is related to the problems you are concerned about. But I think your vet can direct you. Ask about intestinal parasites, food, anti nausea medications and anything else you have questions about.