My sweet greater Swiss mountain dog was neutered and had a gastropexy 2 weeks ago, sutures removed …

My sweet greater Swiss mountain dog was neutered and had a gastropexy 2 weeks ago, sutures removed last Friday and today his incision started draining. I took him to the vet and they said it could be a seroma or infection and started him on clavamox and took a culture to further look into it. I was only told to put him in a t shirt and leave it be but it is draining a lot. I feel better if I were to clean it with saline and dress it, changing it whenever the bandage is saturated. What is the best way to go about this and treat this? I feel leaving it open May put it at a greater risk for infection. He is otherwise acting normal with no behavioral changes. Would love any feedback I can get! Most recent picture is attached.

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4 years ago

Good morning???? I would follow the advice of my vet as they know the situation. Having said that, there is nothing wrong with calling your vet first thing this morning to tell them your concerns and ask about cleaning the area. Best of luck.