My wonderful vet gave us eye drops for our 6-month old 40lb. puppy. He just had …

My wonderful vet gave us eye drops for our 6-month old 40lb. puppy. He just had surgery to address a “cherry eye”. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to administer these drops? Every time the dog sees the little white eye drop bottle, he gets very stressed. We are unable to keep him still long enough to put in the drops. Please advise any suggestions.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I have two options I recommend. One sir him down in between your legs. Surround him under you and hold his nose to the ceiling. Then drop the drops into the eye. And talk to him. In cases like these it’s not the drops that are the problem it’s the restraint. So practice and don’t give up. The other option is to pull the lower lid away from the eye and place the drops in the pocket. So he doesn’t have to be looking at you. If it’s really a struggle being him in and we will help. If… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi there-
I just want to reiterate “calm and firm”. And yes, if you let him win, you will have to go back to square one with a lot of training success you’ve had already. I am living proof???? it is why I have such trouble trimming my dogs’ nails. Keep trying and be persistent. Best of luck.