I have a dog named Bob and he’s been eating his poop. WAT should I…

I have a dog named Bob and he’s been eating his poop. WAT should I do do, get it doo doo. Like, dog poop. SOOO, WAT SHOOD I DOO?

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Brett Raio
Brett Raio
9 years ago

Thank you Dr. Dawn, I want to make his poop taste so bad, he doesn’t even want to poop anymore, especially not inside the house. Not to the point where he explodes lol but to the point he holds it in until he gets outside then doesn’t eat it because it tastes really good. And because he likes doo doo, he mustn’t like poopies. Thank you. ~ My name is Jeff.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
9 years ago


This is a fairly common problem.  Behavior modification and picking up the droppings is a non-medical way of fixing this issue.  However, there is a medication available from your vet which you feed to your dog and it makes the feces taste bad so your dog will not want to eat the feces.
Good luck
Dr Dawn